I have a flexible workplace that allows me to leave early every other Friday to do that day's school pick-up (and then telework for an hour or so).
I'm fifteen minutes early, which is very early. I think just-in-time pickup is the order of the day. I'm the only parent at the door. They have a great setup, in that the JK/SK kids have a large fenced-in play area. The backpacks are hung up on the fence and the kids start to filter out fifteen minutes before dismissal. There's four adults (2 teachers, 2 ECEs) for forty-something kids, and they seem to share outside duties, so all the adults know all the kids.
I share a few pleasantries with my sons's teacher and ECE, but am aware they are still 'on-duty,' ensuring that the gaggle of kids are playing nice, and the proper people are picking up the children.
My son's not the first one out the door -he seems a little pokey at end of day, wrangling everything into his backpack, forgetting his jacket, etc.
I watch the adults in charge for how they interact with him -all seems well, but of course I'm right there, watching.
I ask Tyler about his day, and hear more about specific things they've said to him. Last night during his bath he said he loved me, and then named his teachers and said he loved them too. All good signs.
As we leave, he points out and names some kids in his class. He's always been aware of others. I wonder if the other kids talk about him, and if those parents wonder who 'Tyler' is.
I get half-stories from Tyler, and miss the inside jokes because I'm not understanding the context, and 4-year old humour.
Still, it's the best part of my day, to reclaim my son and bring him home for the weekend. TGIF!
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