Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Approaching one year!

Ashley will be one year old soon, progressing from counting in months to counting by year...we hosted an early birthday party with a Minnie Mouse theme, toddler-friendly food, ice cream cake, and  presents! We took off with both kids for cross-border shopping the day after, and picked up some more pretty dresses, ones that look like they were designed for dolls.

Tyler & Ashley have already settled into a love/don't love relationship. He gets on a ride-on toy and tows her behind in a red wagon. He pats her lovingly while she's napping. He seeks to console her if she's crying. But then, he also hides his toys from her, pushes her away, and sometimes eats her food...

If we were to have a third, I'd like another girl. I think sisters are a stabilizing influence on each other,  and my son will also learn doubly how to respect women. Another boy would be easier though, we'd be more rough & tumble, and have no need for those pretty, but fussy clothes.

Not enough time to blog these days, just a tweet now & again...

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