Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Things I learned from my son today

That when we read books together, he will "read" his own story from a blank page.

That while we were racing down the hallway, we were "neck and neck!"

That the spinosaurus and the brachiosaurus are real names of dinosaurs.

That he can identify (from pictures) a platypus, a manatee, a llama, and an aardvark.

That when he calls me on the phone, he can hold up his end of the conversation without being prompted.

That he does not need a going-to-bed routine. He needs ten minutes advance notice (while playing) of bedtime. When the time comes, he will run cheerfully up the stairs.

That he was content to go to bed if I kept playing, in his stead. We made green 3-D dinosaurs using Play-Doh molds. He told me to keep playing with them, and have them stand together, and maybe fight. It was as if the toy dinosaurs could have life and attention beyond himself, he could go to bed.

That he still includes his grandfather when counting off family members in an imaginary story, told during his bath time. Some things a mother is wise not to question further, but to just accept, and be thankful.

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